1. The most important thing when purchasing any computer is to consider your own requirements. There are computers available for almost everyone these days but you need to decide what your requirements are. One of the most important things to do before looking for a computer is to write down a list of the things that you want to get from your computer.
2. If you have a computer already then a good exercise would be to decide what things you do like about it and what things you don't like. Remember that it is often as useful to know what you don't want from something as what you do want.
3. If the only thing you want from your computer is to be able to get on the internet and surf then you might be better off buying yourself a notebook instead of a computer; these are more affordable. Although a notebook can be great value for money even though its uses can be limited.
4. If you want to play games on your computer then this is something that you need to take into consideration when buying your PC. You will actually find some computers that have been designed for gaming.
5. If your needs are quite specific then you may benefit from buying a custom made computer. This will mean that there is no doubt that you will be getting exactly what you need so is a great choice.